Fine Line Painting Services | Los Gatos CA


Our shop gives our customers the ability to have their cabinetry, furniture, doors, and other portable items be finished conveniently and professionally outside of their home. We have two wood finishing spray booths, and two spray booths where applications such as powder coats, conversion varnish/lacquer, and acrylics are performed.

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Please call us at (408) 640-3646, or email us here.

Fine Line Painting Services | Los Gatos CA

Residential Painting

We are a residential-friendly painting company based in Santa Cruz County, continually working on projects from San Francisco to Monterey. We are accustoms to working with customers through all phases of the painting process including selecting paint and wood finishes, accommodating schedules, needs and specific requests.

Fine Line Painting Services | Los Gatos CA

Commercial Painting

Our crew has the ability to complete and staff any size commercial project from multi-level hotels and high rises to single story store fronts. Our employee are highly trained and experienced – of our twelve employees only two have been with us less than ten years. We have four licensed contractors in foreman positions.