The Fine Line Painting Process | Los Gatos CA & the Surrounding Areas
Our knowledgeable team can assist you through the process of your painting job/project. Please call or email us for a free consultation, and we will be able to discuss your needs and schedule an appointment. At your convenience we will personally meet with you to consider specifics of your job/progress. We advise in the steps necessary to best serve you and your budget. A projected time schedule, estimate, and recommendations will be provided to you.
We offer
- Scheduling with consideration to your specific needs.
- Consulting in choosing quality products, paint colors and finishes, for attractive and durable results.
- Hot water pressure wash, which offers much better press results than the conventional cold water pressure wash.
- Safety and security in how our experienced crew approach each job.
- Consideration and protection of existing surfaces in setup and removal of ladders, scaffolding, and all other equipment.
- Professional high-end painting techniques by our highly trained and qualified staff.
- Timely and thorough cleanup before final inspection.
We look forward to serving you with your project.
Please call us at (408) 640-3646, or email us here.