Fine Line Painting Clients

Many of our clients are ongoing clients of 20+ years; satisfied repeat customers who are happy to serve as references. We also have long standing thriving relationships with highly respected contraction firms.

Fine Line Painting Clients

20+ Years Clients

Hassler Residence, Almaden

Butcher Residence, Saratoga

Nelson Residence, Los Gatos

Parker Residence, Los Gatos

Hahn Residence, Saratoga

Bottomley Residence, Los Gatos

Kerschbaum Residence, Los Gatos

Davis Residence, San Jose

Jinks Residence, Los Gatos

Russell Residence, Los Gatos

Fine Line Painting Clients


Mehus Construction, Paul & Jackie Mehus

Country Homes, Bill Day

Gianni Siracusa, Gianni Siracusa

Golden State Builders, John Gilligan

Tom Rogers Construction, Tom Rogers

Popa Builders, Edward Popa

Howerton Construction, Greg Howerton

DJB Construction, Dan Boyd